Daily Archives: September 11, 2024

Working definition of long COVID

Ed note: Please see the full article here.

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What Exactly Is Long Covid? — ITT Episode 37

Published September 11, 2024 in the New England Journal of Medicine Ed note: This discussion below may help those afflicted with long COVID to understand the confusing array of symptoms they may have. I hope this lengthy article may prove worthwhile … Continue reading

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Tipping culture

Thanks to Ed M.

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Debate analysis – Heather Cox Richardson

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Does everyone *really* need routine vaccinations?

Your questions on Hep B, HPV, rubella, measles, and U.S. universal vaccinations Ed note: If you’re like me, you’ve had young relatives ask you, “Why so many shots?” Vaccines are a modern marvel, but young people haven’t seen (thankfully) the … Continue reading

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