“As I Age” – Notes from Freeway Park

From Barb Williams:

A Celebration of Creative Aging; 2:00PM, Sunday, December 6, 2015; Downstairs at Town Hall; $5; Doors open: 1:00pm

“To travel the world,” “to be loved,” “to make a difference,” “wear high heels”—these are a few of the many responses the “As I Age…” chalkboards have gotten. This interactive art project (which originated with artist Candy Chang’s “Before I Die” project) also has a location in nearby Freeway Park. What does the Seattle Community want as they age? The Freeway Park board engaged the community in scribing their ideas and hopes about aging. This interactive event will explore the themes that emerged from Seattle’s yearnings. The program includes an inter-generational performance by Silver Kite Community Arts, poetry with award-winning writer and artist Shin Yu Pai, and a playful crowd-sourcing activity to generate uncensored bold ideas about what is means to age.

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