Author Archives: Gordon Gray

The “Madison Center” nearby

What’s going up west of the Renaissance Hotel?  That construction crane we see swinging around over there will be going up a long way!  Here’s what the architect says our view will be as we walk south along 5th Ave., in front … Continue reading

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New building at 5th & Columbia

Look west and watch it happen!  Have you been keeping an eye on the new building taking shape to the west of Skyline, at 5th & Columbia?  Perhaps you’ve wondered what it will look like once the towering crane is … Continue reading

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Something here, possibly, for your bucket list?

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Towers coming between Skyline and the Frye

Frankly, I think the tower at Pisa did more for idea of  “creative tension” these towers do.

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Every kid’s fantasy

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Violent Wx as Art

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Just a few blocks downhill from us

If this large residential housing application gets approved it would likely remove some of the incentive for building an apartment building next door to Skyline.

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Helpful technology (but expensive)

(rec’d from Phil Gladfelter)

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Job with a view

Repairing the lightning rods on Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro . Click here and hang on tightly:.

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Great attitude

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AF One Wannabe?

Would this be an upgrade or downgrade?

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Those who keep an eye on the construction near home will recognize the building in this article.  It’s at the corner of Columbia and Boren – a regular stop on Marie’s  and my “sidewalk superintendent circuit”.  The building’s barely finished … Continue reading

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Gee – I guess we’ll be spared by a hair!

(Editor’s note:  the article referred to below links to the “must read” New Yorker essay about the coming earthquake which will devastate the Northwest, particularly Seattle west of I-5) What comes just before “toast” ?  Enjoy!

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The Coffee Universe

From Gordon Gray: Washington is close to the center of the coffee universe!

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Cool Video

This is fairly new, but even if you’ve “been there – done that”  there’s always more to learn. NEW YORK | Nearly 14 years after the destruction of the twin towers the new One World Trade Center tower finally opened … Continue reading

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PATH’s new technology in action (good at full screen).

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Statistics About Washington State

Thanks to Margarete Biermanski for these tidbits: 1. 70 percent of the nations hops used to brew beer are produced in Washington State. To overcome beer breath, the majority of the nations Mint is also grown in the state. 2. Starbucks, … Continue reading

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Irony Alert

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This developer also had eyes on the property north of Skyline for a while.

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Attention sidewalk superintendents.  Neighborhood growing soon to the south.

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Chinese Tree Art

I wonder how many giga-taps on the chisel this work represents  Chinese Tree Art

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Handling Homelessness

SeaBusMag    Thoughtful Article – Why are the bright minds in the NW not solving this problem?

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Henry’s technical genius

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