Cool Video

This is fairly new, but even if you’ve “been there – done that”  there’s always more to learn.

NEW YORK | Nearly 14 years after the destruction of the twin towers the new One World Trade Center tower finally opened to the public on 29 May.  The opening of the observation platform at the top of One World Trade Center is undoubtedly the most anticipated event this spring in New York. The tower 1776 feet high (in homage to the year of American independence) is the highest in the Western Hemisphere.

The platform is built on three floors (100th, 101st and 102nd). The view is 381 meters high, unsurprisingly, breathtaking. For reference, the observation platform of the Empire State Building is located at 373 meters and the Rockefeller Center is 259 meters.

102 floors in 60 seconds!      The multimedia experience starts on the ground floor. After passing the security check, visitors will gather in a tunnel, where the foundations of the tower will be exhibited. Another corridor presents multimedia portraits of men and women who have worked in rebuilding the tower.

Five lifts (Sky pods) transport visitors from 1st to 102nd floor in 60 seconds.

They are among the fastest in the world. The walls of the lifts are LED screens that project images of the New York skyline from the 1600s to the present, as if it was outside the ascent in a glass cube.

At the 102nd floor, we find the theater “See Forever,” which presents a film about the reconstruction of the site and the on 101st floor there are three restaurants. At the 100th floor, is a 360 degree panorama of the city. We see the George Washington Bridge from up there and all of  Brooklyn. One unfortunately cannot go outside while the “Top of the World” as in the old twin towers.

Tickets ($32 for adults and $26 for children)

Access to the observatory will be free for the families of the victims and rescuers.

It is estimated that the observatory will generate revenues of $ 875 million over 15 years.

Here’s a beautiful video  (5 ½ min.)  Try it full screen!

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