Iraq: A PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Mess

Have you heard of Project New American Century ?  At the end of the cold war, this group of Neo-Cons came together with an alarming view of our new role as the only remaining super power.  As an organization, they lobbied for the USA to dominate world politics, military power, economies and oil.  Many of the signatories are finally out of view like Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld.  One (Cheney) keeps on pumping for publicity with his new heart, but there’s an interesting conflict going on in the mind (and statements) of one signatory, Jeb Bush.

There’s clamor now to quit talking about the mistake of the Iraq war.  Most now agree that it was a blunder and some say that we should simply move on – yet it’s hard to ignore the daily news.  Paul Krugman has written an op-ed piece, “Errors and Lies” imploring us to not try to sweep away this tragic mistake.  He states, “But truth matters, and not just because those who refuse to learn from history are doomed in some general sense to repeat it. The campaign of lies that took us into Iraq was recent enough that it’s still important to hold the guilty individuals accountable. Never mind Jeb Bush’s verbal stumbles. Think, instead, about his foreign-policy team, led by people who were directly involved in concocting a false case for war.”

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