You Have Significant Rights in a Long Term Care Facility

Are you familiar with resident rights in nursing homes, adult family homes, and assisted living facilities?  There is extensive Washington state law addressing rights.

Here are a few for you (or via your power of attorney, or guardian)

  • Safe, clean, comfortable and home like environment
  • Notice of rights, rules, and policies
  • Fees & notice disclosure
  • Approving your plan of care
  • Privacy and confidentiality
  • Rights pertaining to transfer/discharge
  • Grievances are addressed
  • Control over funds/financial affairs
  • Protection from chemical/physical restraints
  • Personal property protection
  • Privacy for mail (arrives unopened) and phone calls
  • Privacy for visits
  • You do not have to sign waivers that release the facility of liability for losses of personal property or injury
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2 Responses to You Have Significant Rights in a Long Term Care Facility

  1. Barb Williams says:

    Note that the Washington State Laws do not apply to Independent Living facilities. That is why the NaCCRA efforts to define & establish Rights & Responsibilities for CCRCs is so important.

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