47 Historical Images From Past Olympics That Are Genuinely Wild To See Now

by Angelica Martinez in Buzzfeed (thanks to Bob P.)

1. The 100 meters sprint at “the first Olympic Games of the Modern Era” which took place in Athens, Greece in 1896:

Track and field athletes crouch at the starting line in a historic race, with a large crowd of spectators watching from the stands and a building in the background

2. And the crowd at that same 1896 Olympics:

Historic photograph of the first modern Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, 1896, featuring a crowded stadium with athletes and spectators

3. The American track and field athletes at the 1900 Olympics in France:

A group of men, mostly dressed in athletic wear, pose together in an outdoor setting. Some are seated, while others stand behind them. The setting appears historical

4. An athlete “barrel jumping” at the 1904 summer Olympics held in St. Louis, Missouri:

Two men navigate an obstacle course on a lawn, bending under barrels. A crowd watches in the background


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