Ed note; We must remember Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin and Milosevic in order to understand democracy and how it can be eroded. This book was given to me – one that I didn’t know about. It’s one though that I think all Americans should read in order help us to not repeat history. Below is one of the many notable passages which lead from Mussolini to the current world leaders.
From Albright’s Fascism: “Mussolini observed that in seeking to accumulate power it is wise to do so in the manner of one plucking a chicken – feather by feather – so each squawk is heard apart from every other and the whole process is kept as muted as possible ….Most often, the signposts that should alert us are disguised: the altered constitution that passes for reform, the attacks on a free press justified by security; the dehumanization of others masked as a defense of virtue, or the hollowing out of a democratic system so that all is erased but the label.”
I’m reading it, too. She is so full of wisdom.
Other good ones are:
Messing With the Enemy, by Clint Watts, about cyber crime and internet riskiness. One thing he suggests is to create a system where a symbol to be attached to an internet posting to indicate that it has been fact-checked.
To End a Presidency, by Laurence Tribe