A novel approach to viral infections

Intranasal neomycin evokes broad-spectrum antiviral immunity
in the upper respiratory tract

Ed note: When you shop for OTC medications at the drug store, you may have picked up some Neosporin ointment which is often used for skin infections. Neosporin contains three antibiotics: neomycin, bacitracin and polysporin. A recent research project supported by the Gates Foundation showed that the antibiotic (specifically neomycin) helps prevent and modulate a wide variety of viral infections including COVID. It doesn’t kill the virus. Instead it stimulates the immune system (in mice and a small number of healthy volunteers). It’s not yet time to start swabbing our noses with Neosporin (neomycin can cause allergic skin reactions), but it’s very intriguing that new and novel ways to combat viral infections are being sought which are inexpensive and widely available around the world.

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