Can’t figure out Uber – consider

I heard from a resident’s son on the elevator today that she’s giving up her car but not too sad because she’s hooked up with a new concierge ride service called gogograndparent!

So if it’s after hours or Michael is busy and it’s hard to figure out Uber, you might just want to call the gogogranparent phone number and push “1” to get your ride, then push “2” later to get your ride back (after registering with them). I haven’t tried this yet but it looks a bit more expensive than Uber since there’s a relatively small concierge fee tacked on.

But the convenience for short trips might make us all more of a go go grandparent!

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2 Responses to Can’t figure out Uber – consider

  1. Linda Wolf says:

    I check out go go grandparent! as it is right up my alley. However, they wanted my credit card, security #, etc before even sending an email brochure to tell me more. So I abandoned for the time being the site. If anyone is at Skyline that has used this group, I’d like to know his or her personal experience bc I like the basic concept.

    • Jim deMaine says:

      Give me a call and I can tell you whose son mentioned the site. In looking it up just now, they want the same information that Uber wants. The charges go directly on your credit card – hence they need the credit card number including the security code for the credit card. I did that with Uber and have had no problem with the charges.

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