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Category Archives: Addiction
A major change in our drug laws
Thanks to Mary Jane F
Some stories have a happy ending
Thanks to Pam P.!
San Francisco to force treatment on mentally ill drug users
When I worked at Firland TB Sanatorium, those with suspect tuberculosis were required to be off the streets and hospitalized there. And if they didn’t comply, they were placed in a locked ward where they received medical treatment as well … Continue reading
How Jung’s collective unconscious inspired Alcoholics Anonymous
By Charles Fox who is a professor of psychology at Worcester State University in Massachusetts. “From Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an international mutual-aid fellowship with more than 2 million members worldwide. It strives to help members ‘stay sober and other … Continue reading
“Seattle is Dying” – over 2 million views so far
Ed note: A Bellevue friend mentioned this video to me and was amazed why I would tolerate the drug related homelessness in Seattle. I was a bit defensive but after watching the video and reading John Carlon’s take, Seattle badly … Continue reading
Posted in Addiction, Advocacy, Crime, Health, Homeless, In the Neighborhood, Safety
Vaping Is Big Tobacco’s Bait and Switch
Ed Note: Nicotine is highly addicting as any cigarette smoker can tell you. I cared for two doctors who died from COPD – neither able to stop smoking. Big Tobacco has long tried to lure us (especially teenagers and women) … Continue reading
Washington voters may get final say on safe injection sites
From Crosscut: “Not often do I praise the Seattle City Council, but here goes: When time came to take a stand on supervised heroin injection sites, the members stepped up and voiced their approval. So did the candidates for mayor, including eventual winner Jenny Durkan. True, … Continue reading
Opioid Crisis: The lawsuits that could bankrupt manufacturers and distributors
Ed note: It looks like the opioid manufacturers and distributors are going to be taken to court by a “county lawyer” who successfully took on big tobacco and enron. This segment on 60 minutes is worth watching. Click here to … Continue reading
In a Haze About e-Cigarettes? 5 Things to Know
Ed note: The battery powered nicotine vaporizing delivery system called e-cigarettes is gaining in popularity. There are many unknowns. How much safer is it than cigarette smoking? How harmful is second hand “vape.” It’s one more addiction for our addiction prone … Continue reading
Viewing the electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS)
by Jennifer McClure, PhD, Senior Investigator and Director of Research, Faculty & Development, Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute The American Cancer Society (ACS) announced recently that eliminating cancer caused by combustible tobacco use is its highest public health priority. This announcement recognizes the disproportionately … Continue reading
Herbal overdose
The call came from the ER doc just as I was sitting down to dinner. A young man I’ll call Jason was being admitted to the ICU who appeared to have overdosed on something – as yet unknown. The ER doc had … Continue reading
Is Seattle less angry than the “other Washington?”
Alex Berezow, a proud Husky alum with a Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Washington, is senior fellow of biomedical science at the American Council on Science and Health. He is a science writer, U.S./European affairs writer and author … Continue reading
Posted in Addiction, Homeless, In the Neighborhood, Politics, Social justice
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Opiod addiction event
OpioidAddictionEvent_flyer_final – click the link to view From a concerned Capitol Hill resident – : “My motivation to help create this event began last summer when a number of men and women were coming into my back yard to shoot up. … Continue reading
Posted in Addiction, In the Neighborhood
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Lost for decades, the Alcoholics Anonymous original manuscript will be auctioned for millions
From the Washington Post: “The Alcoholics Anonymous book has stats most authors only dream of: more than 30 million copies sold. Translated into 67 languages. In 2012, the Library of Congress ranked it No. 10 in its top 25 “Books that Shaped America.” But … Continue reading