Category Archives: artificial intelligence

Can you read cursive? It’s a superpower the National Archives is looking for.

Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY If you can read cursive, the National Archives would like a word. Or a few million. More than 200 years worth of U.S. documents are in need of transcribing (or at least classifying) and the vast … Continue reading

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Mr. Trump, Do You Realize How Much the World Has Changed Since You Were President?

Ed note: Friedman raised has legitimate concerns that an unfocused chaotic Whitehouse will not have the bandwidth to deal with, let alone understand, the major changes in Iran and Israel. Perhaps more importantly he won’t understand the coming explosion of … Continue reading

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AI writes about CCRCs

Ed note: This morning I asked Bing, Microsoft’s search engine now powered by AI, to write a poem about the benefits of CCRCs. It’s a bit corny but does cover the landscape! Bing responded, “Sure, I’d be happy to write … Continue reading

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