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Category Archives: Food
Skyline beats Burger King!
Skyline has been way out ahead in its culinary choices – beating out not just Canlis but also Burger King and MacDonald’s. We have the Mr. Caplow Burger on request in the dining room. Give it a try to have … Continue reading
The “Mr. Caplow Burger,” the new item on the lunch menu
Chef Mark Ferrante listens to Skyliners’ suggestions. The “Mr. Caplow Burger,” the new item on the lunch menu, came out of a discussion in the Dining Services Committee. Chef Mark was aware of this new product and had already included … Continue reading
Posted in Animals, environment, Food, Health
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Does tipping humanize the restaurant experience?
From Aeon: “Historians mostly agree that tipping was originally an aristocratic custom. In early 17th century England, it became expected that visitors to a private home would, on departure, leave a small amount of money, called a vail, to the … Continue reading
Is Eating Deli Meats Really That Bad for You?
From the New York Times: Q. Is eating deli meats really that bad? Does it make a difference if it’s organic, nitrate-free or uncured? A. Meat and poultry are excellent sources of protein, B vitamins and certain minerals, but consuming even … Continue reading
Seattle, It’s Time to Talk About Death
There are many things we want to talk about with family and friends; death isn’t usually one of them. But from Death Salons to Death Cafes and dinners, there are plenty of signs in Seattle that this is changing BY: JEN … Continue reading
Posted in Advocacy, Education, end of life, Food
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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) under attack
From the Aging and Disabilities Advisory Council Dear Representative DelBene: On behalf of the Advisory Council on Aging & Disability Services, the Seattle-King County Area Agency on Aging, I want to share our great concern about the draft Farm Bill, specifically … Continue reading
Posted in Advocacy, Aging Sites, Food, Social justice
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Common sense isn’t so common when it comes to health habits
Ed Note: Most people at age 50 want to live a long healthy life. Not smoking, maintaining a normal weight, alcohol in moderation, some exercise and eating a healthy diet – this is common sense, right? But in a large … Continue reading
Posted in environment, Food, Health
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Instant Pot Duo Mini 3 Qt 7-in-1 Multi- Use Programmable Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Steamer, Sauté, Yogurt Maker and Warmer
Hmm. Maybe this is the kitchen gadget for a non-cook like me. I read the rave reviews about it in the New York Times, then saw multiple recipe books for the device at COSTCO. This one above is only $49 … Continue reading
Posted in Food
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Flowers for our dining room – a gracious gift
Are you enjoying the flowers in the Olympic Dining Room? Jean Gibbs heads up this special group of ladies who arrange and distribute the new centerpiece floral pieces each Friday. In the picture above L to R are Peggy MacRae, Karen … Continue reading
Posted in environment, Food, Volunteering
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Anxiety in Eastern Washington Orchards
From Crosscut: “In the Yakima Valley, nestled east of the Cascades, the fruit trees are waking up. Signs along State Highway 24 advertise openings for “piscadores,” or harvesters. At the Doornink Fruit Ranch in Wapato, expert hands prune hundreds of acres … Continue reading
Posted in environment, Finance, Food, Nature
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Summer recipes for these warm days
There are some great summer recipes in the NYT like the above lobster summer rolls. Actually in our own ODR this week, there is a very tasty appetizer which has shrimp instead of lobster. The peanut sauce is gives a great … Continue reading