Hello Skyline WACCRA Members, (thanks to Tom S.)
THIS ONE HAS A SHORT FUSE!—And supports the effort initially announced in the WACCRA Residents News-Mail, February 6, 2025 (attached).
WACCRA’s legislative work has resulted in the introduction of Senate Bill 5691 in the Washington State Senate Health and Long Term Care committee! It is now time to for CCRC residents to express their support of the bill. The committee is holding a hearing on the bill on Friday, February 14th. Here’s a link to the bill.
Between now and Thursday, February 13th, we need you to log into the legislative portal and express your support and here is how you do that:
Start at the committee’s “homepage” by clicking this link: CSI,
Or cut and paste this address into your browser: https://app.leg.wa.gov/csi/Senate?selectedCommittee=28241&selectedMeeting=32791
Choose the SB 5691 Continuing care oversight button.
Then select: ”I would my position noted for the legislative record” – this is where you can indicate by clicking on Position that you are PRO the bill.
![Inline image](https://i0.wp.com/www.skyline725.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/WACCRA.png?resize=640%2C638&ssl=1)
What we need now are as many residents as possible to sign in as supporting the bill. Additional opportunities will be available after the first hearing on February 14th to provide written testimony if you are interested in doing so. Urge your fellow Skyline residents, WACCRA members or not, to support this bill by signing in.
WACCRA is also supporting SB 5606 which addresses additional funding for the Long-term care ombuds program which supports resident concerns in assisted living and skilled nursing. If you would like to indicate your support of that bill, you can log back in and do so by selecting SB 5606 and following the same process.
Thank you for your support – let’s show our legislators that this bill is important to us!