Want to shop at COSTCO, QFC, Safeway or many other stores and get same day delivery. This looks like a cool app but there is a 5% delivery fee or you can a monthly fee for free deliveries. The app is Instacart: www.instacart.com. Some folks have families or friends dropping off groceries. I’m sure other ideas work as well.
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On Thursday, 3/19, we used Instacart to order some groceries from QFC and Safeway. It was an interesting experience. The selection process was a little frustrating at times, but eventually we managed to place our order. We gave them delivery instructions for leaving the bags at the Concierge and clicked “Submit”. Our original order was for $185, but between refunds for things that could not be found and substitutions wit6 lower prices our final total was $124.16 for $108.97 worth of groceries. The difference of $15.19 was for “Bag Tax or Fee” ($0.30), “Delivery Fee” ($3.99), “Tip” (5%, $5.45), and “Service Fee” ($5.45). Also, there was a “Savings from Retailers” of $15.98.
There is an app you can download to your smart phone that does help communicating with your proxy shopper. If you don’t want the app, and you permit it, you can get into a texting dialog with your proxy shopper. Ordering from two stores QFC and Safeway made the experience a little hectic because we were trying to approve substitutions in two different “conversations” that spanned two stores, two proxy shoppers, and pictures of empty shelves and substitute items.
I’ve used them for some time.
They shop Metropolitan
Market for me. Love the
Thanks a bunch, Jim. We spent two hours trying to order using the site of our local QFC. It just wouldn’t work. Then you sent us a different site with access to QFC. Apparently, it worked. We won’t get our delivery until Wednesday evening. If it actually arrives, we appreciate you even more.