Growing old

Thanks to Mary Jane F.

GROWING OLD GRACEFULLY –  (Written by a woman to women, but…..)

I have no idea how to do that…


Don’t complain too much…just enough

You are not the center of the universe, though your aches, pains, lumps and faltering organs point to you as the center. Enough physical tribulation and little else exists. 

You are not the center of the universe of your descendants. Was your grandmother the center of  your universe? You are lucky if young relatives text quarterly. 

Don’t wear a lot of blush, aka rouge, or low cut dresses with the ladies hanging out. Today’s breasts have lost the war with gravity and are not the breasts of  yore. Red cheeks and ladies out are both done on our campus. I notice geriatric décolletage makes men look away rather than towards. Kind of like looking at the scene of an accident. 

My whole body looks like the scene of an accident. But it’s breathing and still here.

Is still existing how to age gracefully? Good enough for me. The older I grow, the more existing seems like a miracle. 

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