Did you ever wonder where we can from and how? Genetic trees are now discovered by gene sequencing – something never even dreamed of until recently. The NYT reports that there appears to be a single wave emigrating from Africa between 50,000 and 80,000 years ago confirmed recently by three different research groups. “Examining their data separately, all three groups came to the same conclusion: People everywhere descend from a single migration of early humans from Africa. The estimates from the studies point to an exodus somewhere between 80,000 and 50,000 years.
“Despite earlier research, the teams led by Dr. Willerslev and Dr. Reich found no genetic evidence that there was an earlier migration giving rise to people in Australia and Papua New Guinea.
“The vast maj”ority of their ancestry — if not all of it — is coming from the same out-of-Africa wave as Europeans and Asians,” said Dr. Willerslev.”
It one more piece of data as to how interlinked we are on this small vulnerable planet!