Increasing use of the Skyline725 blog

Ed Note: There are now 169 subscribers to our Skyline725 blog. You can see some interesting blips in usage (note the COVID onset increase in 2020). Also, there’s an astounding increase in “hits” over the last few months. Recently, individuals outside of Skyline have subscribed — so please remember the postings on the blog are not confidential unless included in a password protected page. We’d like to keep the blog eclectic in service to the interests of residents of our lovely community. The resident portal (CareMerge) does not post activities outside of Skyline, so if you would like to have something posted or have suggestions for the blog please send it to the editor, Jim deMaine (email is listed in CareMerge).

Months and Years – numbers of monthly “visits” to blog postings

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2 Responses to Increasing use of the Skyline725 blog

  1. Sylvia Peterson says:

    What could explain such an increase of visits in the past three months, of approximately: 6000; 10,000; and 15,000?

    The long term care trade associations and hospital association holding joint annual meetings, assuring their membership that their long term care clients continue saying nothing publicly that might risk their health and safety?

    Like a preacher eyeing a full collection plate looking back through the sermon for just what it was they said.

    • Jim deMaine says:

      The increase was due to a large number of “hits” on the unusual maps of the world. Google searches must of led to these so the numbers don’t really mean much except the overall trends.

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