It’s time for that flu shot

Here is a version of the well known in-flu-Enza nursery rhyme in “Our Paper” Vol. 10 (1894) by Massachusetts Reformatory (Concord, Mass.):

There was a little girl, and she had a little bird, 
And she called it by the pretty name of Enza; 
But one day it flew away, but it didn’t go to stay, 
For when she raised the window, in-flu-Enza.

The flu season is already upon us. The sign up sheet is in the lobby for your appointment. Jeannie is giving the shots in our Medical Clinic opposite the mail room. This space is often referred to as the Kline Galland Clinic, but they currently rent this space only 2 hours twice a week. See below:

Flu 1

Flu 2

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