From the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus

Pride flag

Struggling to understand the LGBTQIA+ meaning of the acronym? You’re not alone. 

For many people who are new to the LGBTQIA+ community, this acronym can seem confusing or overwhelming. 

If you are new, welcome! We’re so glad you’re here with us today. 

And if you aren’t new to the community, but are curious to learn more about how the community has changed over the years, we’re delighted you’ve joined us today, too. 

The way the LGBTQIA+ community interacts – both with each other and with the world around us – is constantly changing. We strive to include everyone and to make everyone feel seen and understood. 

What Does LGBTQIA+ Mean?

For many years, the umbrella term “gay” was used to describe the community. 

Now, many people worry about how to come out, but coming out before the 1970s wasn’t even an option, as many states illegalized what they called “homosexuality” or “sodomy.” There was also no acronym at all, restricting the inclusivity of our community.

Once an acronym appeared, all versions of it began with “L” – for an important reason. 

In the early days of the gay rights movement, the lesbian community often felt dismissed or rejected. This led to strong division within the community, with lesbians feeling like “second class” in the gay rights movement. 

During the AIDS crisis in the 80s and 90s, thousands of gay men were disowned by their families after contracting AIDS. The lesbian community came together to care for men with this illness as members of their community. 

As a gesture of gratitude for their support, the acronym was set in stone as “LGB”. 

But we had a ways to go before getting to LGBTQIA+. The LGBTQIA+ meaning is being as inclusive as possible. The “T” was added to include our transgender brothers and sisters in the early 2000s, and “LGBT” was the standard for many years after that. 

The “Q” was officially added in 2016, though many people had been using it for years prior. 


The new letters in the LGBTQ+ acronym have been added to expand the inclusivity of our community further. No term will be perfectly inclusive, but our community wants to give everyone a voice. 

As we learn more about gender and sexual expression, the LGBTQIA+ meaning and acronym will change and evolve, too. The acronym isn’t typically standardized, so some communities may add additional gender or sexual identities, especially if they’re representing a community center or non-profit dedicated to those communities. (continued)

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