Living with benign essential tremors

Try putting a pea on a fork and getting it gently to your mouth without shaking. I’ve not been able to do that for some time. I don’t have the tremor at rest which is so common with Parkinson’s often characterized by the “pill rolling” tremor at rest. But my mild essential tremor still can be annoying from time to time.

Adrenalin makes tremors worse. The shaking when under pressure. It’s not uncommon for musicians such a horn players to use a beta-blocker such as propanolol (Inderal) to slow down their heart rate and lip tremors. Public speakers sometimes do the same to suppress the “fight or flight” induced by stress.

Gordon Gray has sent along some news of new technology to help those with tremors to eat comfortably. Similar technologies are also being developed.


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1 Response to Living with benign essential tremors

  1. The International Essential Tremor Foundation is the most reliable, up to date, and accurate source of information for essential tremor. Visit for or call 888-387-3667 for more information.

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