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Active Aging Advocates professs to believe (actionaging.com):
· That impartiality and an open mind are superior to partisanship, doctrine, and ideology.
· That the physical, mental, and spiritual challenges of aging affect all and call for universal responses.
· That everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity through the full course of aging.
And then an advocate opens a NaCCRA meeting (see actuary video) on finances invoking Christianity. All CCRC residents share a common religion? The NaCCRA Bill of Rights does omit religion from its non-discrimination clause.
So, which is it? Impartiality? Universal responses to common challenges? Respect and dignity as we age? Or in NaCCRA some are more equal than others?
CCRCs can integrate their financing with their religion, and segregate their admission, hiring and services? This is called “divide and conquer,” not “residents’ rights.”
Can these basic contradictions be worked out to make any progress? The Advocates themselves say that little progress has been made in the past twenty years.