New Feature on Skyline725

Starting later this month, Skyline 25 Happenings will have a new page on Thursday every week.  Edited by Put Barber, the page will consist of messages from residents and staff for residents.  Some of the things that may appear are:

  • Offers of surplus tickets to events outside the building. (“We have two tickets to the Symphony on Sunday, but we can’t attend.  If you’d like to go, email  First-come first served.” Or: “I have two tickets to Act on Tuesday, but only one of us can go.  Let me know at if you’d like to join me.”)
  • Requests for help with small-scale challenges. (“I’d like to reserve room at this B&B in Italy, but the owners only speak Italian.  Can someone help me explain my requirements?  Let me know at” Or: “I have a some stuff I’d like to donate to the rummage sale at my church.  Can someone with a car help me get these things out of my apartment and delivered.  Let me know at”)
  • Offers of expeditions.  (“I’m going to the Whatcom Museum of Art on Saturday for their show on Nutcracker Dolls.  If you’d like to come too, let me know at   There’s space for two more in my car.”)
  • Invitations to join in volunteer activities. (I’m going to Town Hall at 2 on Wednesday to help with collating packets for junior high students coming to a debate on immigration policy.  If you can spend an hour with this cheerful group, please come to the West Entrance a little before 2.  Any number of willing hands will be welcome.”)

If the people who are organizing these activities send me the necessary information, the new page might include:

  • Announcements of new additions to the sign-up book next to the Concierge Desk.
  • Welcome for new residents when they move in
  • New brief bio submissions
  • Changes of time or location for regularly scheduled events
  • New items available at the Corner Store
  • Requests for suggestions for movies to be shown, books to be read by the book-group, or other similar ideas

As the above lists suggest, the goal for this new blog post is to increase the connections among people who live at Skyline in whatever way makes sense.  Put will let you know promptly if whatever you send him doesn’t seem suitable, but the fence is going to be pretty low and pretty far out in the field.  He’ll be putting the page together (as a list of items) on Wednesdays, so send him ( anything you’d like to appear on some future Thursday before Wednesday of that week.

If you have any questions, let Put know at

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1 Response to New Feature on Skyline725

  1. Sylvia Peterson says:

    I’ve written to express problems I see with the treatment of older adults. What’s to stop me from expressing pleasure! This new page is a wonderful idea. If ever you have use for an outsider to join you – No, not for free tickets, but for interesting activities or discussions – please consider addressing ‘us’ in this letter as well. I know, I know, you help eachother and are building community, and those who are able participate in the wider community.
    From my experience with long term care, the isolation of residents from others – both inside and outside the residence – puts all of us at risk. Yes, we all need contacts who are trustworthy. A tight circle of contacts, however, allows for “undue influence” and provincialism – my euphemism for the day :-). Places like Skyline are like the streets: the more eyes on them the better.

    Thanks to Jim and his readers for sharing Skyline 725,

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