New Shingles Vaccine Available

The new Shingles vaccine called Shingrix is now available in multiple pharmacies including Bartells. It is strongly recommended for us by the CDC. If you’ve known someone with complications of the Shingles, you’ll easily be convinced that the new vaccine is worth it, even if you received the older vaccine or have had Shingles.

From Consumer Reports: “Since 2006, we’ve had Zostavax—approved for those between 50 and 59 but recommended by the CDC for adults 60 and older—as the sole bulwark against shingles. Zostavax offers 70 percent protection against shingles for people between 50 and 59 but only 18 percent in people 80 and older, according to the Pink Sheet, which reports on the pharmaceutical industry….The Shingrix vaccine (whose two doses are to be given two to six months apart), according to the CDC, offers 97 percent protection in people in their 50s and 60s and roughly 91 percent protection in those in their 70s and 80s.”

One Skyline resident got the vaccine at our local Bartells for about $220. It falls under Medicare Part D for coverage and it looks to be in a Tier 4 category. About half of us get some muscle aches or fever for a few days. According to CR: “it’s anticipated that deductibles and co-pays aside, private insurers will probably cover the cost of Shingrix—which is $280 for the two shots. That’s what insurers generally do with Zostavax (which costs $213 for those who have to pay full price, according to the CDC). However, it may take a little time for all insurers to do this, he says, and Medicare, he notes, may take longer. What’s probable is that like Zostavax, Shingrix will be covered under Medicare Part D.”



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