Research study mapping the brain at UW

Ed note: I was contacted by the UW researchers who asked me to post this information.

Participants will be paid for the visits and travel  costs will be covered. 

If you are interested in learning more about  the Brain Map Study, please call 206.744.5079 or  email us at

We still do not fully understand how the human  brain works. Much of how our brains function  and how the parts are organized remains a  mystery. Brains are very different from person  to person and that makes studying them even  harder. Finding new treatments for brain  disorders has been very slow because the brain  is so complicated. To fully understand how they  work, we need your help. 

Our study will address these challenges by  creating a new human brain map that will help  scientists understand the different types and  functions of each of our 200 billion brain cells. 

Our goal in making this new map is to speed up  the search for treatments for all kinds of brain  disease and injury, and to relieve the suffering  they cause. 

We will begin by looking at how human brains  work by asking people to do a special brain  scan called Magnetic Resonance Imaging  (MRI)*. We will also be asking them to donate  their brains for research after they die. This will  allow us to compare the information from the  MRI scan to the donated brain. (continued)

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