Response to the sorrow in Sri Lanka

Dear Friends,

Here is a message from our partners at the Faith Action Network:

As we’ve watched the news unfold from Sri Lanka, several have raised the question of how we might consider standing together against violence in yet more faith communities, as we have for Pittsburgh and New Zealand this year. Fr. Mike Ryan has generously offered to focus a special mass for the victims (many of whom were Catholic) and survivors of the tragedy this Wednesday, 4/24, at 5:30pm at St. James Cathedral.  All are welcome.

A Message for Faith Leaders from Corinna Laughlin from St. James:

“If any interfaith leaders would like to be present at the Mass, we will be happy to provide them with special seating and involve them with the spreading of the light at the end of the Mass. We would be happy to involve any ecumenical leaders in the prayers of intercession during Mass.  Please just let us know if any of you would like to participate.”
Faith leaders who want be present, please contact Corinna Laughlin here.

If you would like to attend, but are not a faith leader, you can attend but do NOT need RSVP.

Wednesday, April 24 5:30 PM
St. James Cathedral
804 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104


Terry Kyllo

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