This resident just saved a big leak!!
As as update to the post below, a resident just told me that he had recently purchased a leak detector as pictured above. Sure enough, his heat pump developed a leak and the alarm quickly sounded. Major water damage was prevented. This resident would recommend that we all have some type of water leak detention system in place (isn’t there an old saying about an ounce of prevention …..).
Having concerns about knowing if you have a water leak from your sink(s), your refrigerator ice maker, your toilet(s) or your washing machine. I count 12 hoses connected to hot or cold outlets in a 2 bedroom apt (not counting the tub or shower). The hoses are now nearing 10 years in age. The only leak alarm we have is a swooshing noise or wet feet or a neighbor banging on our door. But there are things that can be done right now in your own apartment. Above are some simple detectors, one designed as a sensor shut off for the washing machine. There are some that will use wifi to text you. Obviously we need a solution for the building. In the meantime check out Amazon to get some ideas.