The double doors mark the obvious path.
The Sky Bridge. I have no insider gossip but this seems the obvious entry into Tower One (us) from a Tower Two across the street to the west. The sky bridge would be a bit wider than the double door and aligned with it.
After walking the length of the Arts/Crafts Room, which would become a nice space suitable for the long-awaited cocktail lounge with outdoor seating, T2 residents would walk out into the Bistro and all of our other fourth floor spaces. Most would never take an elevator before leaving, which is more than you can say for a 5th floor crossing utilizing a path through the executive director’s office..
The alternative path to cross 8th Ave? The Tunnel. Well, let me search for that nice picture I have of the gray west wall of parking level B2 where the air shaft is located. (Found it. Note there were blue skies above.)

Out of the Tunnel, into the Cold.
(My eyeball estimate is that the tunnel would need to be several stories deeper than B2, requiring a new bank of elevators, but let us assume that the B2 depth will suffice even though the tunnel’s top would be scraping the underside of the sidewalk and street.)
T2 residents would then stroll, unheated, to wait for our busy three elevators, coming and going. To endure the wait, the cocktail lounge might be located there with outdoor (or at least unheated) seats near the potting bench so T2 residents could admire our cars. Like The Crosswalk, it means outdoor clothing for the trip between Towers.
The Crosswalk. I’ll try to be optimistic and design a super crosswalk: imagine a raised flat speed bump, perhaps made of bricks. Big floodlights, flashing yellow caution lights. Maybe a push-button stop light. With parking eliminated for two spaces north and south of the crosswalk, both sides of street (loss of 8 spaces total, plus the loading zone needs for the T2 entry). Crosswalk positioned to be a straight shot to that ramp rising via a switchback to the 8th Ave entry to our 1st floor. Maybe a rain canopy over all but the street crossing itself. Super enough?
Going out in the rain and navigating the ramp would certainly deter attendance at any programs in T2’s auditorium, cut down a T2er’s use of our dining alternatives and vice versa, etc. Such an economical shortcut might suffice in San Diego but not, I think, in rainy Seattle with people in walkers and wheelchairs and the ADA considerations.
It sure would be nice to know what they are thinking. At, say, the next Skyline Update. Even better, for us T1 types to have some voice in the choice.
I can’t see a second tower without a skybridge or tunnel. A tunnel is likely to be problematic because of underground utilities and a skybridge would be a blight on the appearance of 8th Ave.