On the way to Baretll’s today, I saw a few folks from Horizon House watering the nascent garden behind the fence at the corner of Madison and Terry. According to the volunteer the property is leased by St. James from Cabrini (based in New York). St. James has started a vegetable/herb garden on this leased land. They are always looking for help. If anyone has the contact info about this garden, please reply. Wouldn’t it be a dream if this corner was converted into community space with a permanent garden?!
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I agree, Jim. It would be great to have a garden at this location.
Re: permanent garden on the corner of Madison & Terry!
Not a chance of a community garden. A similar one went up a few years ago on the corner of Terry and Cherry across the street from the Fry Art Museum. What did it result? two apartment buildings “sprouted” and are now under construction! Do we want another high rise to come up across the street from the Blood Works center? Do we need another high rise in our walking distance? What will it do to the traffic on Madison and Terry? we will never be able to get across the street to get to the VM hospital & clinics. Lidia Filonowich
Apartment buildings in Seattle now have 25% vacancy rates. With others about to open, the glut has finally arrived. So I’m hoping that things will cool off. That said, it would take a private purchaser or the city to turn the area into a mini-park.