The Greek myth
We get the word ‘Narcissus’ from Greek mythology. A nymph called Echo fell in love with a young Greek named Narcissus, but Narcissus told her to leave him alone. Heartbroken, she lived alone until nothing but an echo of her remained. Nemesis, the God of revenge, heard the story and lured Narcissus to a pool. Narcissus, who was very handsome and quite taken with himself, saw his reflection in the pool and, as he leaned over to see better, fell in and drowned. He turned into the flower.
The Greek myths are good at analyzing good and bad traits of human nature. They used these stories as teaching tools. It is a method found in many cultures. A good example are the Navajo Coyote stores, A trickster whose exploits define unacceptable social behavior and that can be used as a teaching tool. The Greek based term might possibly be applied to one of our national leaders. I haven’t looked for any comments on the scent of the flower.