The three-rolls-of-film sunset from the 26th floor

One of those occasions when it keeps getting better and better–and it winds up costing $50 for film and processing (corrected for inflation, that was likely $100 back in my grad student days).

Fortunately, I was shooting with an iPhone X and supplementary telephoto, by far the best camera I have ever owned. I did NO color correction or contrast enhancement beyond what the iPhone usually does. Except for missing some shades of orange, it really looked like that.

BTW, this Observation Deck view is going away next summer as 800 Columbia arises. Come see the sunsets while you can.

About William Calvin

UW prof emeritus brains, human evolution, climate
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1 Response to The three-rolls-of-film sunset from the 26th floor

  1. Gordon Gray says:

    Great sunset shots Bill! We watched the show from 1003. Not the full spread that you got on the 26th. Thanks for sharing.
    – Gordon

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