Trump Abandoned by Republicans

from the Dworkin Report

Here’s a list of prominent Republicans and Trump’s former backers who are not supporting him, and some of their quotes. Keep in mind this is just a sample of key players and not a full list:

GOP Gov. Brian Kemp: “I didn’t vote for him.” Kemp confirmed he didn’t vote for Trump in the Georgia primary.

GOP Sen. Susan Collins: “I cannot support former President Trump,” and says she did not vote for him in the primary.

GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski: “I certainly can’t get behind Donald Trump.”

GOP Sen. Mitt Romney: Trump is “not suited to be president of the United States and to be the person who we hold up to our children and the world as the leader of the free world.”

GOP Sen. Todd Young: Trump “just consistently loses. In fact he has a habit of losing not just his own elections, but losing elections for others … I don’t think conservatives would be well served by electing someone whose core competency seems to be owning someone on Twitter.”

GOP Rep. David Valadao

Fmr. GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger: “It’s because of my unwavering support for democracy, that today, as a proud conservative, I am endorsing Joe Biden for reelection.”

Fmr. GOP Rep. Liz Cheney: “We cannot survive a president who is willing to torch the Constitution.”

Fmr. Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan: “It’s disappointing to watch an increasing number of Republicans fall in line behind former president Donald Trump,” saying he has “no choice but to pull the lever for Biden.”

Fmr. VP Dick Cheney: ““In our nation’s 236-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump … He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He is a coward. A real man wouldn’t lie to his supporters. He lost his election, and he lost big. I know it, he knows it, and deep down I think most Republicans know it.”

Fmr. RNC Chair Michael Steele: “I get it with some Republicans who say, ‘Oh, I just can’t vote for a Democrat.’ But this is not — you’re voting for your country. You’re not voting for a Democrat, in this case … I do get the idea that it is hard for some Republicans to go across the street. But baby, you need to do it … The country needs you more than your party does, trust me.”

Fmr. Trump WH Press Sec Sarah Matthews: “While I’ve never voted for a Democrat a day in my life, I would support Biden over Trump if he becomes the GOP nominee … I won’t support someone who refused to participate in a peaceful transfer of power, tried to overthrow a free and fair election, and incited a mob to attack the U.S. Capitol.”

Fmr. WH Press Sec. Stephanie Grisham: “I spent six years nonstop with Donald Trump, and I’ll tell you what: If Biden does decide to debate Trump, I would sure like to prep President Biden.”

Fmr. WH Aide Cassidy Hutchinson: “I’ve never voted for a Democrat in my life, but I would absolutely consider voting for Joe Biden this upcoming November because he will not seek to destroy our nation …He will not seek to destroy our Constitution. And he has the statesman character that we need in an elected official.”

Fmr. WH Comms Dir. Alyssa Farah Griffin: Trump “is a threat to democracy, and I will never support him.”

Fmr. WH Counsel Ty Cobb: Trump “has never cared about America, its citizens, its future or anything but himself … In fact, as history well shows from his divisive lies, as well as from his unrestrained contempt for the rule of law and his related crimes, his conduct and mere existence have hastened the demise of democracy and of the nation.”

Fmr. WH Chief of Staff John Kelly: “What’s going on in the country that a single person thinks this guy (Trump) would still be a good president when he’s said the things he’s said and done the things he’s done? … It’s beyond my comprehension he has the support he has.”

Fmr. Defense Sec. Mark Esper: “There’s no way” I’ll support Trump. Trump “is a threat to democracy.”

Fmr. VP Mike Pence: “I cannot in good conscience endorse Donald Trump in this campaign.”

Zero Fortune 100 CEOs have donated to Trump.

Paul Ryan and John Bolton both refuse to support Trump and say instead they’ll write-in another Republican… how brave of them. Can you sense my sarcasm? And Chris Christie is still all over the place. No bold font for them.

We will keep a running list on this post as it grows. Because each day, more and more Americans are speaking out about the dangers of Trump and the horrors of having him back in the White House. Which we can never let happen.

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