Was It an Invisible Attack on U.S. Diplomats, or Something Stranger?

Ed note: The article below from the New York Times raises the possibility, even probability, that those diplomats in Cuba were affected by a “functional” psychogenic type of disorder. It’s a real, treatable and widely misunderstood – a neurologic phenomenon that cannot be easily explained. How can we understand and diagnose this mysterious mind-body phenomenon?

The piercing, high-pitched noises were first heard by a couple of recently arrived United States Embassy officials in Havana in late 2016, soon after Donald Trump was elected president. They heard the noises in their homes, in the city’s leafy western suburbs. If they moved to a different room, or walked outside, the noise stopped. The two officials said they believed that the sound was man-made, a form of harassment. Around the same time, they began to develop a variety of symptoms: headaches, fatigue, dizziness, mental fog, hearing loss, nausea.

On Dec. 30, 2016, the Embassy’s chargé d’affaires, Jeffrey DeLaurentis, and his security chief, Anthony Spotti, were told what the men were experiencing. By then, a third Embassy worker who lived nearby also heard the sounds and began developing symptoms. DeLaurentis eventually sent the three for evaluation by an otolaryngologist at the University of Miami, who told them they had damage to their inner ears’ vestibular organs.

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