Welcome to a new contributor

Put Barber has come up with the marvelous innovation of a weekly page on this blog which will help our thriving community to be even better informed and sharing neighbors. Please take him up and submit your post for the Thursday flyer – email him at skyline.notices@gmail.com.

Most of the regular Skyline activities like in-house event posting, movies, etc. will be put on the portal care-merge site which Carmen manages. So the focus of this blog page will be more resident-to-resident focused and be a “live” bulletin board.

Thanks so much Put. I can see multiple uses for this page. Many we will discover over time: Need a ride after a medical procedure? Going to Costco and have space? Know of a great hairdresser? Call me if you know a great aide or dentist? The list goes on.

This entry was posted in Advocacy, happiness, In the Neighborhood. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Welcome to a new contributor

  1. Linda Wolf says:

    I presume Put’s wonderful new addition to our community will be included in the 725 blog and the reason to have Put’s email is so we can reach Put to request inclusion of things we would like to have him post ???

    This is a great addition to our community and should help residents feel a stronger sense of community. By the way, may I suggest a section where people can add their fine doctors’ names to the list. This was the roughest thing I encountered when I arrived at SL, ie. not having any contacts to doctors in Seattle.

    Thanks, Put

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