What about these virus tests?

The lab being used to analyse the nasal swabs is called Atlas Genomics located in the Salmon Bay area of Seattle. They have partnered with a pain clinic to arrange testing. You can look at their web site https://covid-19.atlas-genomics.com/ to see that you can get this test at any time without a doctor’s order–for only $99.00. Yes, it is a business. However, they have a good reminder about your expected negative test:

NEGATIVE RESULTS: “A negative result only indicates that SARS-CoV-2 RNA was not detected. A negative result does not preclude the presence of COVID-19 and must be combined with clinical observations, patient history, and epidemiological information for patient management. In addition, a false negative test result may occur in cases of suboptimal or insufficient sample material or as a result of improper specimen collection. You should consult with your physician if you have any questions or concerns.”

Please remember that a negative test does not give license to ease the current recommended restrictions. Stay safe!

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