What really matters at the end of life – imagination!

B.J. Miller talks about his transition from a triple amputee to an MD focused on person centered care at his unique Zen Hospice in San Francisco.

Just to let you know, Klein Galland will give a presentation about Hospice care here at Skyline on Tuesday January 24th at 3PM.

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1 Response to What really matters at the end of life – imagination!

  1. Sylvia Peterson says:

    Please let me know if you would like to read (or talk about) the possible pitfalls of hospice care. Hospice is funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Each hospice program, however, is administered differently.

    As is said of nursing homes: Once you’ve seen one nursing home, you’ve seen one nursing home. They are each different, with many aspects in common.

    Long term care is what we have allowed it to become. Each of us gets to decide, while still capable of decision-making, if we are strong enough and able to influence the decisions made by the long term care industry.

    Sylvia Peterson

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