Why learning Latin stays with you forever

My grandson has taken 4 years of this dead language at nearby Garfield High School. Quirky, true. Beneficial – that’s the debate. I must admit I also took 4 years of Latin and often wish I had learned Spanish. How about you? Did you take Latin? Writer Frankie Thomas shares her Humble Opinion on why it’s time to learn Latin.

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2 Responses to Why learning Latin stays with you forever

  1. Frank Conlon says:

    Throughout my education up to high school, I had struggled to understand English grammar. Parts of speech and their roles simply was not taught in my home town school system. My mother assured me that once we had begun diagramming sentences that all would be clear. But we never did. It was old fashioned.

    Then in high school I took Latin, and, as it were, the scales fell from my eyes. Do I remember much of the specifics that I learned? Not sure about that, but those two years of high school Latin (and another year at college) gave me a certain command of language that had eluded me until then,

  2. Sally Soest says:

    Only 2 years of Latin, and I was terrible at translation. But Latin provides a window into the origins of all the “Romance” languages. I love being able to recognize the roots of Spanish, French, Portuguese, and even English words.

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