Wireless Modems and Internet Connectivity in Voting Systems ?!?

by Kirstin Mueller, Election Security Issue Chair

Ed note: Sue Van L would like you all to see this article from the League of Women Voters – and respond!

Right now, the next set of guidelines for what’s considered a secure voting system in the U.S. are being written by the Election Assistance Commission (EAC).  As currently written, the guidelines don’t prohibit voting machines from connecting to the Internet. Some voting machines are currently being sold in the U.S. with wireless modems, which presents an unacceptable security risk for our nation’s elections.

The EAC will be gathering public comments on the draft voting system guidelines  until May 29th. To speak up to ensure voting machine guidelines specifically prohibit voting systems from connecting to vulnerable Internet or cell networks, please email the EAC at votingsystemguidelines@eac.gov on or before May 29th. Here is sample language to include:

RE: Voluntary Voting System Guidelines 2.0 Principles and Guidelines Comments
EAC Commissioners,
I strongly support the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG) 2.0 draft but
urge the Commission to add the following under Principle 13: DATA PROTECTION: 
“The voting system does not use wireless technology or connect to any public telecommunications infrastructure.”
Given the fact that our election systems are being targeted via cyberattacks, it is imperative the VVSG prohibit connectivity to the public Internet through wireless modems or other means.
Thank you for your consideration.

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